2022-2023 SWID Programs

Exploring cross-disciplinary ventures through the lens of design while being part of a kickass community. This year we're pleased to announce the addition of two new programs plus a leadership cohort. Learn more about our programs below:


Fall Quarter

Winter Quarter

Interested in Design but not sure where to start? Want to learn more about different subtopics and how to explore them? Get certified and exposed to many different design techniques, areas, and activities


Join SWID’s Consulting Group to use your skills for a real life project and work with companies outside of Stanford! Work with design professionals and get hands-on industry experience in a variety of design fields

Past Programs


SWID Innovation Program

Innovators have the opportunity to work with a small team of peers on a meaningful design challenge. Your team will be paired with an upperclassman mentor who will guide you in the design process, as you research, ideate, and prototype. Feel like you don’t have the skills yet to take it on? No fear! Our design education team is here with a structured design curriculum featuring a variety of workshops, so that you can develop your creative confidence. This program will culminate in a final presentation for a panel of industry professionals judges to give feedback and help you grow!

SWID 2020-2021 Descriptions.png

SWID Fellows Program

Fellows are welcomed into a community of women and gender non-conforming students who are interested in pursuing design-related careers. This program is focused on exploring the path forward as an aspiring designer who is approaching the end of their time as a student. You’ll get to connect with and receive mentorship from designers and creatives at different points in their careers. This program is perfect for people interested in discovering all kinds of spaces where design exists and where you’d thrive!