Recent SWID Initiatives


Illuminating Design

SWID’s Design Partnerships team launched an interview series to connect our community with influential designers. We’ve cast a wide net to bring you answers to big design questions, including: What is “good” design, and how is that definition evolving? How can intersectional perspectives be incorporated into the design process? Learn more.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Stanford Women in Design is committed to showing up for the black community, indigenous community, and students and faculty of color at Stanford University by continuously re-examining our organization and making concerted efforts to improve. 

All members of the Stanford community are welcome to participate in and become members of Stanford Women in Design, and we are committed to making SWID a place where students from historically marginalized backgrounds can find community and have their voices heard. 


Mom, I Got This!

This September, Stanford Women in Design launched a podcast featuring leading women in design. From exploring design’s role in different fields to hearing about when these women said “Mom, I got this!” even if they weren’t sure, we learn how each of these female designers got their start. Join us to find out: when the next steps are not explicitly defined, how do you find your path? Now streaming on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! Learn more.


Designing the President

In February, we helped run Designer in Residence Lisa Kay Solomon’s thought-provoking and timely event. Attendees participated in exercises that helped them clarify the most important qualities for the U.S. president. Through this, more thoughtful and insightful political conversations took place. Learn more


Makeathon: Make it Green

On February 22, 2020, SWID brought the community together to collaborate and rapidly prototype creative solutions. Teams were presented with a set of sustainability challenges to address during the one day extravaganza.


Femtech Takeover

On February 14th, 2020, SWID hosted a conference with entrepreneurs and innovators in Femtech. Femtech involved women-focused technology, products, and services relating to menstrual & sexual wellness, reproductive health, and pregnancy.